Saturday, April 14, 2018

It is just a thought....

Each and every day we have thoughts and feelings that define how our day will progress.

A person can wake up in the morning and "know" it is going to be a bad day.

How do they "know" such a thing?

Generally it is because they have a feeling about what the day will be like.

These feelings about a day, experience, situation, or even a person are compilations of our thoughts.

We choose what our thoughts are about the day, experience, situation or even a person.

To "feel" better about the day, experience, situation or even a person we have to recognize and then choose to change the thought that is giving us the "bad" feeling.

Most of the time we do not realize that we made a choice regarding the thoughts that we have had. We have to become aware of thoughts that we have when we feel bad so that we can change that thought.

We have the power to feel better; we just have to choose to change the thoughts that we do not like.

Changing our own truths is as "simple" as changing our thoughts.

It is a process and takes time and effort but the reward is worth it and beyond expectation.

It's only a thought, and a thought can be changed -- Louise Hay

Friday, April 13, 2018

What I believe....

For as long as I can remember I have felt the need to prove to others that I am worthy of their friendship and love. 

In relationships I felt that it would end at anytime. That other friends would be more fun or other females would be more attractive and exciting.

I believe that I created my own self fulfilling prophesy. I believed I was not good enough so I made it true. Even if the other person did everything in their power to convince me their feelings were true; my belief in myself was stronger so of course they did not truly feel that way. They could never convince me otherwise. Those that did not treat me well just confirmed my own thoughts the good ones never had a chance.

We have all heard the glass half empty or the glass half full; it all depends on what you believe. It is the same when thinking thoughts about ones self. I had to choose to think about myself differently to change the negative thoughts and believe in myself.

If I believe I am a worthy good person others can believe it too. My power is in my present moment.

It is amazing the difference I have felt within by just taking my negative thought pattern and changing it to a positive one.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The need for positivity

The state of everything seems sad and dire if you listen and react to the news on a day to day basis as what is generally reported is done in a negative and dire way.

It was a daily thing for me to listen to the morning news to start my day. Most days it would leave me sad, scared, mad or stressed about something I heard.

At some point I realized that these feelings did not help me start my day in a positive uplifting light. I decided I had to either choose a different reaction to what I heard and saw on the news or I had to choose a different way of starting my day.

Now I sit and decide what positive thought will be my focus of the day. Some days are more difficult then others; some days it is taking my first negative thought of the day and changing it to a positive.

For instance..."it is a nasty grey and rainy day" becomes..."I see the sparkle in today's rain; I feel the freshness in today's wind; I see the beauty in today's grey sky. I feel warmth and brightness in my heart. I greet everyone with a smile. Today will be a great day!!"