Friday, January 01, 2021

January 1st 2021

Well day 1 of the new year, hoping to make better choices.

Our moment by moment choices define our life. A bad choice this moment does not have to define what happens next but it does play into possible outcomes. Today the choice I am not happy about is the choice to eat pizza rolls. 

The choice I made today was an individual choice and only touches me, but was it really? If this choice affects my health it could touch those around me. My mood, my function my overall health is something that touches those close to me. I know for me I need to consider how my choices touch myself and/or others. 

I don't want to judge my choices or choices made by others. For myself I want to look at my choices and try to make sure they fit my goals and desires. For others I remind myself that they have stories and things going on I know nothing about. I believe we are all doing the best we can each moment with what we know and believe. All I have control.over are my choices, my actions and my reactions.

Wishing everyone the best, always.


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