Thursday, February 01, 2007


Thats me...
This week we were working with a consultant/trainer guy. We have implementing a new interface to our system and it adds a whole new layer to what we have to support. That last couple of months have been a whirlwind of bad weather, holiday and setting up and learning this new interface/system.

I feel that I learn pretty quickly. Do I always get things the first way now how. BUT I do get it and learn it and get kinda good at it. But things are happening very quickly right now and its been a little tough keeping up at times. Last week we had a different consultant working with us and teaching us new things. So my brain and I am sure Kelly's feels a bit overloaded at times.

I usually learn by doing. Someone can usually explain thing to me...I get it but it does not sink in until I have to do it. Most of the time I fumble my way through it following what I learned and let it all sink in. When I don't understand something or not sure I understand something or feel like I am hearing something different from what I THOUGHT I understood I ask ALOT of questions......I guess that is pretty annoying to some people. I also get frustrated when I hear something 10 different times and every other time I hear it differently....kind of I ask MORE questions.....oh and I don't hide my frustration very well at all....especially when the person I am asking the question of gets frustrated because I am having to ask the same question again....and then I get even more irritated and see a pattern here right....

Oh yeah and I really don't like being cut off mid question..with an answer that does not even fit the question...

Last year we had a consultant/trainer on site and I don't remember these problems with that one....that one seemed to take all of our questions and confusion with ease.......We were very lucky with that trainer.....

I think I learned alot this week...but I am also confused on some things...I guess I will just have to try and test more to prove or disprove what I think I know...I wont be asking this weeks trainer for guidance unless I have too.....

Kelly was wonderful...she took the whole thing in stride...I was upset and frustrated all day...and I could not hid it at all!! I am so lucky to work with such a wonderful level headed person!! I just love her.

To all those good trainers out there...we are very luck to have you!!! Thanks for respecting my desire to learn and learn completely not just the step by step process and allowing me to question when something does not make sense to me..I am better at supporting my users and our systems when I understand the whats and whys of things that happen.

I hope I am not so harsh with my users when I try to help them.....Gosh I will have to be more conscience of that.....


Blogger Unknown said...

Teachers (trainers) are born with the ability to relate and, most importantly, listen to their students.

3:45 PM  
Blogger si said...

i so identify with this. (might it be that we have a commonality? :)) our site has definitely had our share of poor trainers. being a good trainer is a skill not everyone has. also, don't love getting sent the newbies. and i, being the way i am, have insisted on getting re-trained if need be. i'm thinking that i'm pretty well-known at the software company -- and not in a good way... and would i be familiar with your last year's trainer (the good one)? :)

good luck with this. if it’s the same system that we’ll be upgrading to, you might have to let me know who this last trainer was so we can steer clear!

12:33 AM  

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